Examples of use of MAJORA
1. Belzberg is best know for Children Underground,‘‘ about a group of homeless children living in a Romanian train station. –Majora Carter, 38, urban strategist, New York.
2. Clinton took a seat, then explained the point of "Giving," which was helpful because, ironically, the publisher wasn‘t giving away copies, nor were there any on hand to buy. ("Selling: How Each of Us Can Earn Change" might be a title Knopf could publish next season.) Clinton has been talking up the power of private charities since he left office, and this book collects examples of self–starters and the charities they‘ve created. (A significant portion of the book‘s profits go to charities, a Clinton aide said, though he didn‘t know what that portion is.) Among the charity creators: people like Majora Carter, who founded Sustainable South Bronx in 2001 to push for environmental reforms in her borough, and who was among those giving first–person testimonials onstage with Clinton and Smiley.